Liz Chapdelaine - Jackson Store Manager


(307) - 200 - 3313
Favorite Cereal: Cap'n Crunch


Liz Chapdelaine is the Showroom Manager for our Jackson location, she works closely with the Jackson MLD team, Katelyn James and Kevin Rooney, to ensure that each client is taken care of from start to finish. Liz is new to the MLD family but looks forward to continued growth within the Jackson community.

Liz has been with MLD since January 2021 but has over 13 years of sales experience 5 of which are in appliance sales. Liz is extremely detailed oriented and is at the showroom to help all clients from homeowners to builders, architects and designers. Swing by for a visit!

On her time off she enjoys spending time with family and friends taking advantage of all that Jackson has to offer.